Success Journey Academy

Rev. Kelly Kaelin

Rev. Kelly Kaelin

August 24, 20241 min read

"I believe that all crappy memories can be permanently resolved easily". - Rev. Kelly Kaelin

Rev. Kelly Kaelin Headshot

About Rev. Kelly Kaelin:

Rev. Kelly believes that our hearts hold all the wisdom we need, we just need to heed them more often. Listening to what the world said led Kelly into the world of corporate finance and accounting, and through the worlds of film production and project management. Finally listening to her heart, Kelly immersed herself into metaphysics, spirituality, and Conscious Transformational Coaching™.

Listening to and following her heart, and teaching others how to hear and follow theirs, has added a sense of purpose and fulfillment to Kelly’s life that she could only dream of before.

Rev. Kelly is a Certified Conscious Transformational Coach™, the Director of Programs for Success Journey Academy, and an international best-selling author.

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